

තෙරුවන් සරණයි.

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Friday 23 March 2012

who is the real crowned prince in jaffna

The Northern issue of Sri Lanka is once again being spoken in the global platform. At the same time, it has been revealed in a popular reality program of TV channel about a person called Romigiyus Kanagaraaj, who is said to have come from a linage of a king. The purpose of this it to explain the content of an article appeared in 'Mau Bima' newspaper dated 5th February 2012.
            The details about the person named Romigiyus Kanagaraaj and his linage has been included in the internet. That particular website has been launched in the year 2003. Based on that information, an article appeared in the 'Nation' newspaper dated 16th August 2006. It further stated that the Tikkama Maanai Mantri Gruha, house of a minister, belonged to the linage of Satya King is a belonging of his own and he, who was in Netherland at that time, has said that his forefathers have come from Aryacakravartee lineage. This was not paid much attention at that time. But, this news can be more attractive to the Tamil National Alliance that has come to the conflict situation for the Free or Self Control of North. It is with the belief that they will get some support for the expression of Tamil Motherland Concept.
            We will pay our attention about these lineages which have been mentioned in the internet. There are two castes among the Tamil by the names Villaavar and Villaalar. According to that, the servants of Villavar and who come from Nalawara clan as Kanagaratnam, Tillei Ambalam, Setu Pillei and Nacciyaar Tambi. These four men had come to Sri Lanka with the purpose of selling tobacco in the Dutch period. Nacciyaar Tambi who was born in 1765 is a person who has come to Ceylon from south India for selling tobacco. The clan of Nacciyaar Tambi is like this. As stated in the internet, after Nacciyaar, his son, Pararaasapandaram (born in 1785), his son Veerabaahu (born in 1810) his son Vedanaayagamudali (born in 1835),  his son Vedanaayagamtambai (born 1860), his son Tambikadiraveelu (born in 1885) , his son Ilvaraasan Tambi Arsaratnam (born in 1910). His daughter was Ilvaraasii Maheshvarii Mariyaanaa  Antonyoo Arsaratnam. There are seven generations from 1765 to 1964. Finally, there was Romigiyus Kanagaraajaa, the son of Ilvaraasii Maheshwarii born in 1935 and Tambi Raajaa Antony. According to Romigiyus Kanagaraajaa, his lineage comes from Nacciyaar Tambi. Nacciyaar Tambi was born in 1765. As it has been mentioned as his father is Tanabaalasinghe Mudali, wealthy man, born in 1555 who is the son of Arakeesarii Paandava Raajendra Mudali and the mother was the princess Ganga Brahmana Weda Walli born in 1585. (These two have been the persons linked with Arya Cakravartii Lineage of Jaffna.)
 The question is how can a person be born in 1555 give birth to a child at 1765 from a woman born in 1560. How humorous it is to say that a child was born after 205 years. This is something impossible. This can be considered as a false endeavor of Romigiyus Kanagaraaja to indicate to the world that he is a Royal prince as well as an unsuccessful attempt to show that he comes from Arya Cakravartii lineage.
            It is possible to find the time of the lineage of Arya Cakravartii after comparing the reign of Prince Tikkama Sapumal (from 1451 to 1480). The mother of Prince Sapumal was in the Okkaka Keerawella lineage. Prince Sapumal and his brothers and also the Royal Generation of Kotte coming from King Ambulugala lineage have married queens from Keerawella.
            Setupillei, born in 1770, was the other person came to Sri Lanka from South India. The above mentioned Seetupillei is said to have married with the princess named Raki on 27th September 1796. As stated in the history, the son of Prince Pararaajasinghe (Vararaajasinghe) (born in 1515) was Vijaya Devendra Mudali born in 1545. The son of  Vijaya Devendra Mudali  was Paranirupasinghe Mudali born in 1570. The son of Naranrupasinghe was Vijendra Mudali born in 1592. He did not have a daughter.
 If he had a daughter, she would have been born around 1615. But, Setupillei has been born in 1770. Then, the age deference between these two is 155 years. This is impossible. Accordingly, when a princess, born in 1615, has been married by Setupille on 27th September 1796, that princess should be 181 years old.
 According to these facts, the website states to the world that Setupillei has continued his lineage having married a royal corpse of 181 years old. And also, in this wrong relationship, the deference between Sinhalese kings and the Tamil names is so obvious.
            Prince Kumaarasinghe and Prince Vijayapaala, the sons of Vimaladharma Suriya 1 and Princess Doona Katarina Lenawa had been given in marriage two daughters from Gangaa Brahmani clan, Prince Gago of Jaffna at 1628. Later, due to Portuguese invasion, at 1628, all the Royalty of Jaffna went to Kandy. All of them settled in Godapola in Matale. Therefore, there were no daughters from the royal lineage at that time to get married for Tamils who later brought tobacco to Jaffna.
The other person who came to Sri Lanka from India was Tillei Ambalam born in 1770. The origin or the birth of this person has been interpreted in a false manner as the son of Tanabalasinghe who was born in 1538 as the son of Pararaajasinghe. Tanabalasinghe who was a mudali, a social rank at that time, did not have children. If he had a son, he would have been born in 1565. But, Tillei Ambalam had been born in 1770. Then, the age deference is 205 years. The mentioning of the born years of the same person with 250 year difference by two different birthdays was anther false.
The other person from the four persons who came to Sri Lanka from India was Kanagaratnam. Around 1750, his birth is reported. He had two sons. The name of one of his two sons had been mentioned as Raajawallappaa Puvinaayaka as an individual name and his year of birth was in 1775. His son was Pivinaayaka Puutatambi born in 1800.
So, Puutatambi Mudali born in 1610, the son of Puvinaayaka Mudali born in 1585, the son of Raajavallappaa Mudali born in 1565, the son of Alakanmeya Mudali, the elder son of Paraajasinghe, the son of the Paranrupasinghe the last king of Jaffna    had been assassinated by the conspiracy of the Dutch. It is reported that he did not have children.
 This pedigree tries in a false manner to link Tamil Puvinaayaka Puutatambi born in 1800 with Puutatambi Mudali of 1610 who was childless. Here, the age difference is 190 years. This too is impossible as well as this is complete creation. Being wealthy, Tobacco sellers named their children after the kings of the ancient Jaffna.
It is possible to introduce the book Jaffna Dynasty (ISBN -955-8455-00-8) as a book that provide sufficient details about the companies belonged to the tobacco sellers who came to Sri Lanka from India during the Dutch period. The person called Dr Kunasaaraa has published it in the year 2003. The details of the earlier mentioned person's properties and ownerships in India have been mentioned in this book. According to the chapter Aliya Tambi (8:1), this generation has come form Kerala of Chennai in India. It has been mention in that book itself that they don't have a lineage. They had possessed a tobacco company. Having mercantile dealings with the Dutch, they have conducted trades in Point Araali in Sri Lanka and Manipaaya. At 1670, the Dutch have taken Tamils as slaves from in India and settled them in Jaffna and Vaunia with the purpose of growing tobacco, faddy and textile.
There isn't any Tamil origin for the Jaffna Arya Cakravarti lineage. This lineage has the and  connection with Ganga Brahmanic clan and Maanai clan of Suurya clan of Tikaa / Tikkama Gothra. In the 7th century, the king who was enthroned as Vijaya Raajakula Sumitra Raajaputra Tikkama Maana Varman or the prince Maana Vamma had gained the Pallawa influence to when he was under the role of King Pallawa(Brahmana Bharaddiwaj Gothra).  Later, after he came to Sri Lanka, several of his sons' clan has joined with rule of the south eastern part of Kerala. Of this third generation, a prince called Tikkama Ugrasinghe had step into the land at Point Paduru in 795 and has ruled in the village, 15kg in extent, formed by his name Tikkama with his clan. The cities Singha, Polikandi and Senkandi have been erected in that village. This area is by that name even in today. 24th of the Tikkama Ugrasinghe Mahaaraaj's brother's clan is Prince Sapumal. This Sapumal is the 20th cousin of the prince is Maanaai clan, Tikkama Mahinda Prince (Tikkama Ugrasinghe King's 44th grandson) with the written recorded ownership in Place Maanawansha Tikkama Maanai and he is the present owner. In the past war period, they had been out of Jaffna. The mother of Great Grandfather of prince Tikkama Mahinda was from the clan Gangaa. The prince's mother's clan was the 15th grand-daughter coming from Tudugala Senarathne clan and Veediayabandara, the grandson of Prince Vijayabaahu who ruled Jaffna from 1463 to 1480. Prince Tikkama Mahinda's wife is Okkaka Keerawella Clan. 
Having defeated all Cacravartris, the Prince Sapumal, a Jaffna favoured person from Tikkama clan to Kotte Kingdom, is the founder of the Tikkama Maanai Mantri palace which is now an archeological site at Jaffna. Prince Sapumal has introduced it as Tikkama Maanai Mantri Palace to prove the link with the Maanawamma clan. The Maanai Mantri place, which was abandoned due to move of the royal family to Vanni and Kandy, known as Udarata at that time, has been renovated by an official named Bernard in 1896. It is said that two tobacco sellers had been living with him in the palace by force.Later, they have been expelled from it by people from royal family having gone from Matale.
 The clan of Gangaa Bramana, Tikkama, Tudugala, Tammita, Kooliya, Lenawa, Malla Irugal, Maalawa and people from Keerawelle royal family had been living on and off in Maanai Royal Palace. Tikiri Banda who lived in the Maanai Mantri Palace with the Gangaa Brahmanic lineage, recalling that period has said that he sold one meal for 60 cents, a cup of tea for 5 cents, Tose for 10 cents and Fish curry and gravy have given free.
Naranrupasinghe (1536-1545), an Arya Cakkravarti king lived in Jaffna has held the post of Prime Minister under Portuguese rule. He had two brothers called Gangaa Brahmana Mudiyanse and Gangaa Brahmana Sri Varootaya. These three had a sister called Maraghaata Walli. She got married with Arakesharii, a Pandava prince. The son born to these two was Veera Sundara Mudali. He had a son called Arakesharii Pandaaram. He was the acting king of Jaffna from 1616 to 1619. He got married with a princess from Gangaa Brahmanic clan. The son of these two was known as 10th Shekaraajasekaran or 2nd Sankili Paandava king. The picture of 2nd Sankili Paandawa king on horseback can be seen even today at Nalluur city. 2nd Sankili king who was killed in 1621 by Portuguese did not have children.
It has been tried to link Romiyugas Kangaraaj's clan with as the above mentioned 2nd Kankili's Son. The 2nd Sankili's son has been interpreted wrongly as Pararaasapandaaram. As stated by Kanakaraaj, the birth of Nacciyar's son, Pararaasapandaaram has taken place after 164 years   of the death of 2nd Sankili. With their pedigree itself, their relationship is drifted apart.
While the 1st Sankili is a person from a Sinhalese Asura Naga Kurukula clan or with a Sinhala origin, there isn't any kinship or relation with the king 2nd Sankili. There is anther historical description regarding 1st Sankili. It seems necessary to talk about them separately.
The 7th Paparaajasekara (1509-1536) of Gangaa Brahmanic clan and the son of Paranrupasinghe King, having taken the advices of his fater, Sri Warootaya and having taken the Crown and Spear, had hidden and settled in Matale at Valliwela. This generation lives even today at Valliwela and its present member is Arya Cakravartii Gangaa Brahmana Mudiyanselage Tikiri Bandaa Hapugoda the 18th grandson of Pararaajasekara Ganagaa Brahmana king. Having served as an officer for solving problems related to land, Mr. Hapugoda has live upto 1958 at Nalluur Maanai Mantrii Palace. According to his own legacy, while he was living in his own, he had to go Kilinocci and the village Matale again due to the riots of nationalism. The each and every marriage details of his lineage from 1000 years upto the present are with them. According to them, Ganga Brahmana lineage and other royal lineages Tikkama, Tudugala, Tammita, Koliya, Lenava, Malla Irugal, Maalawa and Keerawelle have join in marriages and they are pure in royal lineage. They don't have any royal lineage.
The flag of Prince Ganga Brahmana Vansa Paranrupasinghe was the Setu flag with bull symbol. At present, this is used by Romigiyus Kangaraaj's lineage by adding their changes or alternations. But this doesn't belong to them. The flag of Paranrupasinghe, the Setu flag with bull symbol, is with Ganga Brahmanic lineage. The origin of this is at 1265. King Cinnai related to Prince Maanawamma Clan, Tika clan Cinkai ruled in Setuwa (Mannar Dhanush kodi paalam) and the flag with Setu symbol and bull symbol has been used to upgrade his loyalty as stated in the book called Vaipadaal. Coming from this lineage, king Singha Kethu of Tika clan ruled Setuwa by the name Ceturaaja Sekaran. The coins with bull symbol have issued. His son, Princess Tilakwatee of Vijaya Tikkama clan has been married and ruled by a prince called Ganga Brahmana Kulanka. He was Vijayakulgei Kulankasinghe Arya Cakravarti. He ruled form 1285 to 1295 under the king of Dambadeni Okkaka Dynasty. Arya Cakravarti lineage of Jaffna come from this prince Kulanka. After 13 kings of that clan, 10th Paandava Cekarrajasekaran ended with 2nd Sangilin.
From the Talikot conflict at 1565, Arya clans that held power in South India got destroyed. Tamil Varalik people who got credit as Raghunaatha from Paandava kings started ruling Setuwa. At Portuguese, and Dutch period, this Tamil Kallar Ragunaatha Tevar who did trading of textile and areca nut between Raameshwaram and Sri Lanka, has hold the position of Setupati. At the same time, he has tried to issue Setu coins. Dutch has taken control of free trade conducted by Raghunaatha, the ruler of Tanjora and Nayakkar people and put all under the influence of Bathavi. Afterwards, at 1690, the Dutch laid the foundation to make the ruling community that want through starting a missionary school in Nalluur in Jaffna. After 1700, having started tobacco trade, Dutch exported tobacco to Holland. So, they started growing tobacco in Jaffna, Trincomalee and Negambo areas. After 1750 decade, having converted South Indian Tamil people into their religion (Reformist Christianity), the Dutch have started collecting trade materials for their trading companies.  The reason for this is that by that time, the naval and trade power of the British's had been spreading through Indian Ocean. The all lineages of Romigigus Kanagaraajaa have been Tamil favored with Dutch. By this time, there wasn't anyone from Jaffna Arya Clan. By 1620, all had joined Kandy with the assistance of king Senarath. All the other Sinhalese too, having seen Dutch coming into country, destroying Portuguese, reached Vanni.
From these facts, it is evident that Tamil lineage has come to kinship as mentioned by Romigiyus  Kanagaraaja who was born without any link with Tamil Rajendrachola lineage or any other royal lineage. Some of their Kerala Lineages having arrived in Sri Lanka, with the Whiteman called Bernard, have taken the procession of Maanai Mantri Palace by force. With their monetary power, by paying bribes to the Dutch, they have lived as powerful persons or Lords while living in that manner; they have composed the book Yaalpana Vaipamaalei with the invitation of the Dutch Governor Makkar. This book consists of the details about the rule of Arya Cakkravarti royal lineage. There isn't any mentioning of the Tamil rulers. After British gained by the Tamil groups, they have tried to stay in the same manner as Sinhalese. They have tried to compose books with false information that they have the relationships or lineage with Arya kings. By present, there are many websites dedicated for these false interpretations or information. But, there isn't any website to present the true history of Arya Kings.
Several academics including Prof. Senarath Paranavitana and Prof. Wimala Vijesuriya have published articles about the true history of Jaffna. There are many researches about this. That history can be translated into Sinhala, English and Tamil languages and published through the websites. For this you can help. The facts presented here are from a book which has been unpublished up to now and it was a possession of royal lineage and In future newspapers, it has been planned to present many details about the Arya royal lineage. If more details are need, it is requested to contact through the email: tmahindakumara@yahoo.com.
Left: Arya Cakkravarti Gangaa Brahmana Mudiyanselage Tikiri Bandaa Hapugoda (7th Pararaajasekara 1509-1534 AD) 18th grandson of Ganga Brahmanic King
Middle: Tikkama Mahinda prince of Surya clan (44th Grandson of Great King Tikkama Ugrasinghe)
Right: Okkaka Danta hemamaala Keerawella lineage Kudaa Bandaa Keerawella of Surya clan
Picture and the Note by
                         Sarath B Rathnayake, Maraluwawa, Kurunegala Tel. 037-2225618

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